Combo Fighter - Pack 4


Combo Fighter - Pack 4 ·

Called to an exclusive competition on an offshore oil rig by an eccentric billionaire, the world's best brawlers, and martial artists will compete for lavish prizes and the glory of proving that they are the strongest and most skilled.

In Combo Fighter you will play as one of these fighters competing to become the ultimate champion. You will have your own unique 50-card deck and set of combos to bring against your opponents. Each hit removes cards from your hand and deck and the first to run out of cards is defeated!

Key Points
- Fast, Fun, Arcade style action card-game!
- Learn in 2 minutes and each game plays in 10 minutes.
- Many different fighter match-ups to try and wield against your friends.

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How to play: Combo Fighter!


Breakdown of Action Cards

Red cards are attack cards. They represent punches, kicks ect.

Blue cards are defense cards. They represent dodges, blocks etc.

Yellow cards are footwork cards. They represent moves such as closing distance or creating angles.

Attack cards have a Speed value e.g. 2, 4, 7 etc.

Defense and footwork cards may have Priority indicated by a star.



Winning a round gives you the right to combo, which means you may continue playing cards from your hand as long as the Button Icon on the card you are about to play matches an icon in the Combo Box on the previous card.

Dealing Damage

The first card you play each round deals Opening Damage. Additional cards deal Combo Damage.

When you are done playing cards, add the damage, and deal the total to your opponent.

Cards may also have a damage value of X. This means the damage value may change over the course of the fight. Check the fighter's Power Token for the rules of when and how.



A game of Combo Fighter is played as best out of 3 fights. Each fight is played over several rounds until one player is knocked out (by taking enoug damage to lose their last card).

In each round, both players play one Action Card face down from their hand into their play area.

Players then reveal the cards played and consult the Win Circle to find the winner of the round.

If you win a round, you deal damage and may “combo”, which means you may continue playing cards from your hand.

If you lose a round, you deal no damage and may not combo.



Choose your fighter and take the corresponding Character Sheet, Power Token, 50 card Action Deck, as well as the fighter’s Staggering Card.

Place the Character Sheet with the stats side facing up. Place your Power Token next to your Character Sheet with side A facing up. Build your starting hand of 5 cards as indicated by your Character Sheet. Finally shuffle the remaining of your deck and place it face down on top of your Staggering Card.


Breakdown of Action Cards

The Combo Box tells you which cards you may play directly after this card to continue a combo.


Taking Damage

For each point of damage you take, you must discard a card - one at a time - from your hand or deck and place it face up in your discard pile. Count out loud when you take damage. It allows you opponent to keep track, and it hurts more that way.

During play, neither may look through the discard piles.

If by taking damage you are forced to discard your last and 50th card, your fighter is knocked out and you lose the fight.

End of a Round

After damage has been resolved, all cards played by either player this round are discarded.

The players then refill their hands by drawing cards from their deck up to their hand limit of 5 cards. Before refilling your hand this way, you may discard any number of cards from your hand.

Be careful, your deck i your life! Every move you make and every hit you take drains your energy and brings you closer to being knocked out.


If your deck becomes empty, so that your Staggering Card becomes visible, but you haven't lost your last and 50th card, you become Staggering.

If that happens, shuffle your discard pile to form a new Action Deck, place it next to your Staggering Card, and refill your hand from the new deck.

While Staggering, you may continue to playing, refilling your hand at the end of each round, hoping for a spectacular comeback. But the next time you take any damage, your fighter is knocked out and you lose the fight.


Signature Combos

Each character may perform a handful of Signature Combos as shown on their Character Sheet. Some of these combos have a Basic Version as well as a Power Version.

To activate a Signature Combo, you must win the round, play the exact cards in the exact order shown on your Character Sheet, and call the name of the combo out loud.

You are not allowed to play any other cards this round - neither before nor after the Signature Combo.

A Signature Combo ignores the damage values of the individual cards and instead deals the damage as indicated by the version you played (Basic or Power).


Power Tokens

Your Power Token provides special rules for your fighter. During setup, place your Power Token with side A face up and abide by the rules on the token. Unless explicitly stated on the token, only the rules printed on the side facing up are active.

Some Power Tokens effects let you set aside cards. Place any set-aside cards next to your Power Token.


Playing the Same Color

If both players play attack cards, the player who plays the card with higher Speed wins the round. If both attack cards have the same Speed, the round is a tie.

If both players play defense cards, the player who plays a Priority card wins the Round. If both or neither of the players’ cards have Priority, the round is a tie.

Likewise, if both players play footwork cards, the player who plays a Priority card wins the round. If both or neither of the players’ cards have Priority, the round is a tie.


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